This is my baby posing. He is the fattest ham around and I LOOVE those thighs of his. I mean look at that hip pop. ^^^
The mornings are some of my favorite times with my baby Beau. We like to eat cereal together, read books, and play in bed. He loves to jump and climb in the pillows and giggle like crazy!
When I wake up in the morning my natural instinct is to grab my phone and check my email, or instagram, or look at the blogs that I follow and get too caught up in all of the stuff online. The other day Beau walked over to his shelf and grabbed a book while I was doing something on my phone before it hit me. I am missing some of the sweet new things that he’s doing. He learns so much every day and to see him discover new things and say new words is what I live for! It’s easy to get sucked into cyberspace, but I remind myself often that I need to just be available in the moment. I did however have to grab my phone to snap these pictures because, seriously. he kills me.