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wednesday’s with beau

This is my baby posing. He is the fattest ham around and I LOOVE those thighs of his. I mean look at that hip pop. ^^^

The mornings are some of my favorite times with my baby Beau. We like to eat cereal together, read books, and play in bed. He loves to jump and climb in the pillows and giggle like crazy!

When I wake up in the morning my natural instinct is to grab my phone and check my email, or instagram, or look at the blogs that I follow and  get too caught up in all of the stuff online. The other day Beau walked over to his shelf and grabbed a book while I was doing something on my phone before it hit me. I am missing some of the sweet new things that he’s doing. He learns so much every day and to see him discover new things and say new words is what I live for! It’s easy to get sucked into cyberspace, but I remind myself often that I need to just be available in the moment. I did however have to grab my phone to snap these pictures because, seriously. he kills me.

28 years

This past weekend I turned 28 years old. It feels like 30 is really close to catching me, and I feel like when you hit 30 it’s like you are a legit grown-up person. I mean at 28 I still feel like somewhat of a spring chicken, but my Blake who is 33 is a full blown wise owl. So I have 2 more years to live up the twenties before I will NEVER see them again and I’ll have to do things that 30 year old do. Like investing in stocks and keeping up with politics. Continue Reading

God bless the USA!

Happy 4th of July! It’s always been one of my favorite holidays because the country and I share a birthday weekend. I got to spend a morning with my friend to do a little 4th of July shoot, and we had the best time. I hope your weekend is filled with food, fireworks, sunshine, and swimming! And maybe some shopping too since there are some pretty good sales happening ;). I will be spending all my time with my Blake and baby. Happy Birthday USA, I sure am grateful to live in this country.

Photos by: Angela Young Photography

hat: Asos (similar here)// shirt: topshop// overalls: free people (similar here)// shoes: new balance// lipstick: mac ruby woo


wednesday’s with beau

Every morning I barely open my eyes just enough to see the figure of my Blake quietly getting ready for work so as not to wake me. He always sneaks out and I always fall back asleep. But in those little moments where my eyes are slightly open I always think how lucky I am to get to stay home with my baby. Not just because I get to sleep later… no really. It’s because I’m grateful that my Blake works so hard so that I can stay home. Not every mom gets that chance and I feel blessed every minute that I do.

Right now Beau is in the ‘let’s knock all of the yogurt out of your hand and onto every single surface’ phase. He also loves to eat from others plates way more than his own, even if he’s eating the same thing. He gets into everything, climbs every surface, and insists on messes everywhere. My job of motherhood is my favorite I’ve ever had. Nothing will ever beat the slobbery smiles, the babbles, his enormous lips, or the rare moment when he will pause and let me squeeze him and snap a picture. After I took these two he gave me a big open mouth kiss (with teeth) and wiggled away. Nothing beats a toothy kiss.

silver lake.

Saturday night we decided to go up to Silver Lake with some friends after a pizza date. We had so much fun enjoying a little nature walk and a break from the 100 degree weather in the city. I hate to admit that I am not really a fan of the great outdoors. I can appreciate the beauty of the mountains from a distance and never feel the urge to go in them. I don’t enjoy camping or “roughing it” in any way so walking around a lake in the woods was just right. I’m sure as Beau gets older we’ll have to take him on some camping trips so he at least knows how to make a campfire and stuff. Those things are probably important to boys.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

t-shirt: James Perse // denim: R13 // birks: zappos // sunglasses: ray-ban


hoses are for swimming and drinking.

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This summer has been my baby’s first time swimming. He has loved the pool but, I think he may like the hose even more. The fact that it’s the temperature of an icicle doesn’t bother him in the slightest! Plus he learned he can drink the hose, but the pool is off limits for drinking. Oh how I love that sweet milky white chub of mine.

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This having a one year old thing is way too much fun.

my first post.

Years ago I used to blog. I started my last blog about my life on a whim after going through a painful divorce at the tender age of 21. I was newly single and felt the urge to put all my feeling, experiences, and all of my everything on this space that was really intended for myself and maybe a few friends and family to read. At one point I just stopped writing after I found my Blake. I didn’t know if I could do the blog thing like so many do now days. It’s still out there on cyberspace and I look back on it from time to time and smile. You can find it here if you’re interested.

I have felt that urge to start writing again over the past year or so and kept pushing it away. There are so many bloggers out there (especially in Utah right?!) and I didn’t just want to hop on the bandwagon of fashion bloggers and such (although I love a good fashion blog). But here I am anyway ready to start a new adventure in which I can only be myself and hope you can embrace the me that I am. So bear with me as I update this site and try to work out all the kinks (I’m working on my tech skills.) I want to share things that I love, which mostly have to do with my chubby big lipped baby. So this blog will be a smorgasbord of sorts. And hopefully a delicious one.

Thanks for reading, I hope you’ll follow along!

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