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happy friday ramblings.

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Beau has been saying ‘mama’ a lot and it kind of melts me every single time.

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

I’m crazy about this skincare line. It’s gluten free which is a necessity for my celiac disease. My skin has never been better.

Life has been so busy with moving and working that it feels like the movie Groundhog’s Day.

My baby fell asleep on me with his arm around my neck and I didn’t move for an hour wishing it would always be this way.

I could eat Lucky Charms for every meal.

I’m OBSESSED with these and this. Put them on your Christmas list NOW!

I often post on my blog in the middle of the night when I’m tired so forgive the rambling.

dancing, singing, & moving boxes

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Last weekend we went to a wedding and of course I had to get a few pictures of my handsome babe. Plus I love to dance and sing with him and a wedding is the perfect setting. I sing to him in crazy voices all the time! He loves it now but I’m sure as he gets older he will think I’m nuts. Well we finally have all of our stuff in the house!! Now comes the unpacking and organizing which is definitely the worst and hardest part of moving for me. I feel so overwhelmed looking at all the boxes I have to go through and find places for everything. We’ve been living in one bedroom for 6 months so I’m not used to so much stuff! It was pretty great to see all of my clothes and shoes that I had to pack away. I’ve only been living with a fraction of my clothes so I am THRILLED! I will be posting pictures hopefully Friday of the progress. I’m in LOVE with the house but right now it’s so messy and I have no desire to take pictures of it. Can’t wait to show you all though! I hope you’re having a great week! I better get to bed. I have a lot of unpacking to do in the morning!

Thanks for reading!

before the snow came, with my boy

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Well Thanksgiving is over and now it’s all Christmas-y around here. Our Thanksgiving was lovely and delicious! I also got a ton of my Christmas shopping done online with all the great sales going on. I am not big on going out on black Friday with all the crowds so staying in sweats and shopping from my bed is my thing. These pics are from last week when the weather was still warm enough to play outside. It was our last jump on the tramp for the season and we soaked it up! I am really excited to watch Beau play in the snow for the first time this winter. I just know he will love it!! I hope you all had a great weekend and find some great deals for cyber Monday!

We are moving in to our house this week!!!!!!!!! We couldn’t be more thrilled to soon be in our new home.

Thanks for reading! xo

wednesday’s with beau

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on BEAU: t-shirt: c/o harris & fin// jeans: gap// beanie: slouch// shoes: converse

It’s almost Thanksgiving!!! My in-laws do their Thanksgiving dinner the day before the actual day which is the best because we get to have two Thanksgiving dinners. Which means no rushing to make it to both family’s, and getting to enjoy all the food without worrying about being too full for another family dinner. What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?

We are starting to feel better over here finally. I still feel like I’m chasing Beau around with a baby wipe trying to wipe his nose a million times a day! But at least he’s sleeping through the night again. And he’s pretty much back to his busy self! His shirt speaks the truth, he really is a walking tornado.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’m planning to blog the rest of the week but if I have a turkey coma I make not be back until Monday. Thanks so much for reading! xo

snuggling through the sickness

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We have been a bunch of sickies over here. Beau started it and passed it along to mom and dad. We got to take a lovely 3 hour nap on Sunday which was much needed. But unfortunately we’re still feeling that lingering sickness that’s been going around. It’s Thanksgiving week so let’s hope we kick this asap!  Even though I’m loving all these snuggles my baby has been giving me. For Thanksgiving with my in-laws I am in charge of making the sweet potato dish and I am kinda freaked out. I am so not a cook!! I’m not good at it and I don’t like it. Still I am determined to come up with something amazing so if any of you have good ideas or recipes PLEASE let me know!

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! We are hoping to feel good enough to get out of sweats tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

it’s the weekend!

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Words can’t quite describe how happy we are that it’s Friday. Beau just started getting a cold and we are really looking forward to some extra naps and cuddle time (fingers crossed). Like I can’t get over the last picture of him snuggling my legs before bedtime! Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? The holidays are so much fun, but even more so this year since we will be moving into our home within the next 2 weeks! I’m so giddy about it, but I’m also really going to miss seeing my parents every morning and I know Beau will be looking for them and yelling their names once we’re in the our new place. I so cherish the relationship he has with his Grandparents, so this move with be a little bittersweet. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I just purchased this as an early Christmas present to myself and can’t wait to figure out how to use it properly!

Thanks for reading, my friends!

for the love of popcorn.

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Well if that view of his sweet buns in the air isn’t the sweetest thing you ever did see. He’s always playing with his cars in these funny positions. It kills me. Another thing that kills me is the way he says popcorn….”pop-own!” We eat a lot of popcorn at our house, mainly Boom Chicka Pop or from the air popper. It’s safe to say we eat it a good 5-7 times a week! So when Beau gets his very own bowl he gets pretty excited and devours every last bite. I ate popcorn nearly every single day when I was pregnant so maybe I passed him the popcorn gene, because seriously he’ll eat as much as a grown man. Plus don’t you just love his face while he eats it?

I hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday! I have to get part of my back cut out after having a mole removed that came back as abnormal. I’m not looking forward to getting sliced and stitched, but it’s better than melanoma right? At least we’re half way to the weekend!

Thanks for reading!

family costco dates

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This weekend we had a family date to look at the progress of our home and make a Costco run. Many of our dates end up at Costco these days since we like a cheap meal after we’ve spent all our money on bulk items. I’m obsessed with Costco’s ice cream and have to get one every time I’m there. But this time it was the consistency of milk, which is just not ok with me, so we stopped for ice cream on the way home. Blake didn’t want any and we didn’t want to get the baby out of the car so I ran in myself to get an enormous ice cream on a Saturday night alone. I’m sure everyone thought I was this loner getting ice cream by myself while everyone was there with their friends and dates, haha!

Our house is supposed to be finished on the 24th of November which seems impossible to me. I have the mentality now where I’ll just believe it when I see it because things have taken so much longer than expected already. It is so fun to see the progress move along and watch it all come together though. We have loved staying with my parents but we sure are ready to have a little more room!

Happy Monday everyone, thanks for reading!

i never want to forget today.


leather jacket: topshop// flannel: target (similar)// pants: rag & bone (similar)// shoes: new balance// BEAU: sweater: h&m// jeans: gap// beanie: similar// shoes: converse

photos: Angela Young Photography

These are some of my favorite pictures ever because they perfectly capture my sweet boys’ personality. He is busy, happy, and always trying to get away from the many kisses I give him! I can’t help but want to squeeze him every second of the day. We are enjoying these lovely fall days before the snow comes. I hope you have a great weekend! I am looking forward to going with my best friend to see her try on wedding dresses. And hopefully I get to lay in bed and binge watch Scandal ;). Oh ps. I am the last person on earth to join Facebook. Let’s be friends!

Thanks for reading!

wednesday’s with beau

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My sister surprised us all and got the sweetest puppy for her little family. His name is Kevin and he’s a golden retriever. We are of course all in love with him because how can you not be with a mug like that? Beau has been a dog lover for most of his young life and says “dog” (although he pronounces it d-ough-gg. Real Homer Simpson style.) many times in a day. So naturally he loves to give Kevin lots of hugs and pets. He may cut off Kevin’s air supply with some of those hugs, but my baby loves him fiercely and likes to let him know ;). Is there anything better than a baby and a puppy together? Those are two of my favorite things.

Have a lovely Wednesday, thanks for reading!